
Showing posts from December, 2021

Shark bones

Sharks have no bones. Unlike vertebrate animals and people, the skeleton of a shark isn't made of bones. Instead, it's far made of connective tissues and cartilage, that are the equal in our ears and nostril.  Read on to research greater about what number of bones a shark has.  How Many Bones Does a Shark Have  How Many Bones Does a Shark Have?  Sharks have zero bones. Unlike people and maximum animals, a shark’s body has no bones. A shark is an elasmobranch, because of this that it has cartilaginous tissues. These are the tissues within the human ears and nostril.  While sharks have no bones, it's far nevertheless feasible for them to fossilize. As they age, calcium salts deposit in their cartilage. As those deposits harden, they sense as stable and heavy as a bone, even if it is just cartilage.  A commonplace misconception about sharks is that their teeth are bones. Their teeth are made from dentin, a calcified tissue. A strong enamel shell surrounds this tissue, making i